Coffee Good for Anxiety

Ever wonder how to make black coffee? We will drop a simple step by step guide for the recipe. But before we start, let’s know about black coffee drinks. It is a popular hot coffee beverage, commonly presented without any additional ingredients such as sugar or cream. It is famous for its bold flavor among the coffee fanciers.

Sometimes black coffee is correlated with health remedies. We will discuss these aspects further in the article. First we will learn about black coffee recipes. Black coffee has a diverse profile of usage as it can be consumed in different forms. You can enjoy it as a cold beverage, or spice up the flavors by adding soy sauce and garlic.

Black Coffee

Black Coffee

Although the regular black coffee is served without milk, you can use it in a dessert, with ice cream and chocolate syrup. Let’s get started with the recipe. There are several ways to brew black coffee such as Aeropress, Moka pot, Pour over, French press and Drip brew. We are using the Drip brew method for this recipe.

How To Make Black Coffee? | A Step by Step Guide


  • Coffee beans 15 g (~2 tbsp)
  • Water 240 ml
  • Sugar as per taste


  1. Grind coffee beans to coarse size or fine if you want bolder flavor.
  2. Boil water in a pan on medium heat (~90°C). Let it set for a few seconds.
  3. Add grounds to the filter. Fill the water chamber of the machine and brew coffee.
  4. Add sugar, honey or any preferred sweetener.
  5. Your black coffee is ready to enjoy.


Calories: 20 kcal

Caffeine: 180 mg

Carbohydrates: 12 g

These values are for the drink made using coarsely grinded Arabica coffee beans and one tbsp of regular sugar. The values may vary if you change any ingredient accordingly.

Black Coffee

Black Coffee

Why Drink Black Coffee

This is a simple and pure hot brewed coffee beverage. It is served hot mostly but sometimes people love to try variations like iced coffee, spice flavored and coffee with ice cream. The nutrition values will vary according to the beach recipe. But we will discuss the impact of black coffee on health. Here are some basic characteristics of this drink.

  • Purity

This coffee drink is purely brewed with coffee grounds and hot water using any of the famous brewing methods. Mostly used methods for this drink are french press, aeropress and drip brew.

  • No Additives

Another aspect of purity as there are no additives like milk, sugar, cream, coffee creamer, caramel or flavored syrups are used in the making of this amazing drink. It makes black coffee the least calorie count drink unlike other fellow drinks. Although, there are some options to use any of the above but it will change the flavor profile and texture along with nutritions as well.

  • More Antioxidants

The antioxidants have beneficial aspects to human health. And coffee is the loaded source of antioxidants that helps to improve immunity of cells towards the free radicals. These particles also reduce the risk of certain types of cancers and chronic diseases such as  type 2 diabetes.

  • Bold Flavor

The boldness of black coffee is loved by all the coffee fanciers. The bold flavor forms due to lack of sugar and milk. Sugar and milk make the bitterness of coffee lower than regular. Flavored syrups also sweetened the coffee to make the flavor less intense.

Weight Loss with Black Coffee

Caffeine, antioxidants and chlorogenic acid helps to burn fat during any activity or rest. These essentials can be more beneficial if you try to consume it in a certain way. We have mentioned some important instructions to drink coffee.

  • No Sugar/Milk: Some people may not like it but if you truly want to lose weight by drinking black coffee, it must be consumed without milk, sugar or any additives. It is also recommended to avoid flavored syrups and creamers. These additives will make the drink heavy calories wise.
  • Drink Before Workout: For better results, try to drink coffee before (30 minutes minimum) going to do workout. It will boost the fat burning process without losing too much energy.
  • Drink in the Morning: Timing of drinking coffee in the day is an important aspect to ensure the benefits of coffee. The ideal time for drinking coffee is 12 pm to 2 pm. This time period is an ideal amount of duration to take caffeine. 

Coffee with Meals

Another way to consume coffee for weight loss is to drink it with your meals. Healthy meals such as boiled meat or plant based protein and a cup of black coffee’s booster combination for losing weight effectively.

The Best Coffee Machine For Black Coffee

There are many options for homemade black coffee in the aspects of budget and convenience. The best budget option is the French press which is simple, non electric and easy to use and clean. It is also a low maintenance coffee maker for home cooking.
The best options for more convenience yet budget friendly, Manual Espresso Maker is at the top of the list. It is also a non-electric and user-friendly coffee maker for your home kitchen.

Black Coffee

Black Coffee

Final Thoughts

Black coffee is a pure, simple and healthy drink if it is used correctly. You can drink coffee before workout, with meals or in the morning to lose weight. It also reduces the risk of certain types of diseases. The best version of black coffee that benefits more is simple black coffee without milk or sugar in it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to make black coffee?
Add 1 tbsp of instant coffee powder in a coffee cup and pour hot water over coffee granules until it fills the cup. Black coffee is ready to enjoy.

What is a black coffee?
Black coffee is an instant coffee drink without any milk or sugar. It contains only coffee grounds and a cup of hot water.

How can I make coffee without a coffee maker?
You can use instant coffee powder or you can brew coffee without any coffee maker such as pour over to make black coffee. 

Is black coffee just coffee and hot water?
The traditional black coffee is just coffee and hot water without any sugar or milk etc.

How much coffee powder for 1 cup of black coffee?
For one cup of black coffee 1 tbsp of instant coffee powder is enough. You can use more for a bolder flavor.




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