Red Eye Coffee

Red eye coffee drink has a magnificent reputation among the coffee lovers especially for those who like to work all night. You can consider it a black coffee like americano as it is quite similar with the americano. Each recipe has its own distinguished flavor and the red eye recipe also has a distinct factor between this drink and other alike coffee beverages.
The key-factor that differentiate this drink from other comparable caffeinated drinks is the base of this recipe. You can guess the strength of red eye espresso from the amount of its serving. Commonly, red eye coffee contains almost 8 ounces of drip brew coffee. That’s why it has a lot more caffeine than a regular americano or other espresso-based drinks.

We will drop some simple steps on how to make a red eye coffee recipe at home. If you use the right type of coffee beans and maintain the quality of ingredients you can master the art of making a red eye coffee drink at home. The term eye is used as the name of variations. Red eye means to make a cup of coffee with drip brew with a single shot of espresso.

red eye coffee

red eye coffee

Step by Step Guide | Make a Red Eye Coffee Recipe

The following ingredients are needed for the recipe.


  • Drip brewed coffee 8 oz
  • Espresso 1 shot
  • Sugar as per taste
  • Flavored syrup (if needed)


  • Drip brew coffee maker
  • Espresso machine
  • Buzz grinder


  1. Start with Drip Brew: This is the basic and fundamental step of the recipe. Fill the water reservoir and place the filter in the basket. Add coffee grounds (medium grinded) and set them evenly. Start machine to begin brewing. Pour the required amount of coffee in a coffee mug (we need 8 oz for this recipe) and move to the next step.
  2. Pull a Shot of Espresso: Grind more coffee beans at fine grinding settings. Add coffee grounds in the espresso machine and let it be ready. Pull a single shot of espresso in a separate cup or you can directly pull a shot over drip brew coffee.
  3. Add flavored syrup and sugar according to your taste. 
  4. Serve immediately

Nutrition Facts

Caffeine: 445 mg

Calories: 5 kcal

Protein: 0.3 gm

Fats: 0 gm

Sodium: 5 mg

Potassium: 230 mg

These values are according to the ingredients mentioned above i.e. 8 oz of drip brew using Robusta coffee beans and 1 shot of espresso using the same coffee beans. Adding sugar or flavored syrups may change the values accordingly.

red eye coffee

red eye coffee

What Is A Red Eye Coffee?

A red eye coffee is a caffeinated drink that contains a certain amount of drip brewed coffee (or any strong brewed coffee) and a single shot of espresso. Mixing up espresso is an interesting step in this recipe. Changing the number of espresso shots will create different variations. 

For example, one espresso shot will make red eye coffee, two shots will create black eye and three shots will be titled as green eye/dead eye. It is important to know about all these terms whether you are ordering one in a coffee shop or making the recipe at home.

How Do You Classified Red Eye Coffee Taste Wise?

The red eye coffee is a stronger drink rather than other fellow drinks dua to the higher amount of coffee grounds used in it. 1 cup of drip brew coffee commonly used with 1, 2 or 3 shots of espresso. But only the drink with 1 shot of espresso is called red eye. Amount of espresso shots other than 1 makes some differences which results in variations.

It has a big amount of caffeine in it. That’s the reason it is more bitter than a regular black coffee or simple espresso. If you want a lighter version of the similar flavor, you must try americano coffee or drip brew coffee separately. Although all these drinks don’t take much time to make.

What Is The Best Type Of Coffee Beans For Red Eye Coffee?

It is recommended to use Robusta coffee beans to make red eye coffee drink. Robusta coffee beans have higher caffeine content (which is almost 2.2-2.7%) that makes them the perfect choice of this recipe. The higher caffeine content which is almost 2x of Arabica coffee beans caffeine content, makes it bold and more bitter.

It is also ideal to use the same coffee beans to make espresso shots. Espresso shots must be stronger as well as drip brew coffee to make a strong combination of a typical red eye recipe. But there is a slight difference in the grind size, use medium grind size for drip brew and fine grind size for espresso. These sizes are ideal for the perfect taste and flavor.

Final Thoughts

The red eye originated in the United States of America. The term red eye comes from the red eyes of night travelers due to tiredness of journey. They need strong coffee to cure their tiredness. This amazing and unique recipe was introduced in around 1990. According to some sources it actually originated in the East and West Coast.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a red eye coffee?
A red eye coffee is a caffeinated drink that contains a certain amount of drip brewed coffee (or any strong brewed coffee) and a single shot of espresso. 

How to make a red eye coffee
To make a red eye coffee you need 8 oz of drip brew and a single espresso shot. Combine them well and your favorite red eye coffee is ready to serve.

What’s the difference between a black eye and a red eye coffee?
The key difference between a black eye and a red eye coffee is the number of espresso shots. 1 espresso shot will make the red eye and 2 shots of espresso will form a black eye coffee. 

How many shots is a red eye?
There is only one shot of espresso used to make a red eye with a cup of drip brew coffee.

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