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cortado coffee

It is always fascinating to explore something new everyday. It doesn’t matter if they are small things or something big or special. The human built-in suspense and enthusiasm trigger us to unfold different colorful stories behind some simple yet interesting stuff. When we talk about coffee, Italy comes to mind first usually but we will learn about a new dimension of the coffee world this time. We are going to explore the perfect cortado coffee drink experience. The cortado coffee drink is like  something the same as other things but with different origin and results.

Let’s start with what is a cortado? Cortado coffee is a famous espresso based drink that originated in Spain. The word “cortado” comes from the Spanish language word “corter” which means cutting or to cut. It has a slight resemblance with latte which is espresso but there is a difference between cortado vs latte that the coffee cortado is made of the even combination of espresso and steamed milk. This combination gives a smooth and balanced coffee drink. This amazing coffee beverage is also called cortada coffee. It’s famous enough for you to have a cortado coffee Starbucks as a delightful treat of your day. There is also an interesting variation of this drink French corter

Cortado Coffee Drink | Cortada Coffee

cortado coffee starbucks

Since we have learned about what is a cortado? We are going to explore its specialties and general experience about it. Coffee cortado is typically served in small glasses (4 oz). The serving of this drink is smaller than many other coffee beverages from coffee shops. This drink has 1-1 espresso to milk ratio for a balanced and less acidic yet significant espresso flavour. The amount of milk makes it closer to the latte but the difference between cortado vs latte is the 1-1 milk to espresso ratio. 

Coffee Cortado Recipe

It’s always fun and entertaining to make something special on your own, especially when it comes to food or beverages. We will go through the coffee cortado recipe at home that can beat cortado coffee Starbucks. For cortado coffee Starbucks, a special type of espresso is used named ristretto (shots of blonde espresso) for a sweeter taste. 


  • Espresso 3 shots (Starbucks blonde espresso)
  • Steamed milk (any type) same as espresso


As we already knew that this is a simple recipe with 2 ingredients, espresso and milk, it’s not a hard job to execute the recipe. Pull 3 shots of ristretto in a coffee mug and pour over espresso the steamed milk. Stir a little bit to make a dizzy exposure. Your cortada coffee is ready to enjoy.

cortado coffee drink

It is recommended to use fine level coffee grounds for this amazing recipe. Using coarsely ground or too fine ground may cause different tastes. However, use the recommended grind size or you can do some experiments with grind size to adjust it as per your taste and preferences. Steamed milk must be fresh and also frothed freshly for a smooth and creamy texture. You can use a steam wand to steam the milk or any milk frother to froth the milk until it reaches 140 degrees fahrenheit.  Always use the heat proof glass for any kind of hot coffee beverage. These useful tips can make it easier for you to maintain the natural rich flavour of your favourite coffee drink. 

French Corter

The french corter term is a mixture of french coffee and corter coffee roasters. French coffee typically refers to an intense dark roast, bold and smoky flavour. In this method coffee beans are roasted at a high temperature of 240 degrees Celsius. So this name is not about the origin of the coffee beans but the level of roasting the coffee beans. 

However, corter coffee roasters is a business of coffee beans roasting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. They are known for their dark roast level for a bold flavour without typical burnt. So, french corter coffee is actually not a specific coffee recipe. It is useful enough to know what is a cortado instead of a french corter.

Cortado VS Latte

Latte is a worldwide famous coffee type. It’s a simple recipe with great taste and flavour class. Espresso offers an energetic bold taste while the steamed milk makes it smoother and delicious enough to enjoy drinking. You need 1 or 2 shots of espresso and around 6 oz steamed milk. Brew the espresso with your favourite brewing method (manual or automatic). Use a steam wand in a pitcher to steam the milk. Froth the milk with a milk frother or whisk it until 150 degrees fahrenheit. Pour the steamed milk in a cup with espresso, top with the foam. Your latte is ready to enjoy. 

The same recipe goes for cortado coffee but with a different ratio of milk and espresso. In a latte milk to espresso ratio is 1:5 to 1:6. However, for the coffee cortado it is 1:1 milk into the espresso for a balanced and smooth texture with a great and rich taste. 

cortado vs latte

Ristretto Shots 

Making a ristretto shot is a specific type of brewed espresso with a special technique. In this technique, concentrated espresso shots are made by using less water for extracting coffee. In the result, we get a smaller volume of coffee concentrate with bolder and intense flavour. Ristretto is an Italian word which means limited or restricted. Because ristretto is made by using the coffee to water ratio 1:1 to 1:1.5 and its taste becomes limited to smaller amounts of liquid, that’s why it’s called ristretto. 


What is a cortado coffee?

Cortado coffee is a famous espresso based drink that originated in Spain.

What is cortado coffee?

It is an espresso based coffee drink similar to latte served in small coffee cups (4 oz)

What is a cortado coffee drink?

Cortado coffee is a famous espresso based drink that originated in Spain.

What is a cortado?

It is an espresso based coffee drink similar to latte served in small coffee cups (4 oz)

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