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homemade macchiato coffee

People have their own preferences in taste and flavour in every aspect of life such as in reading, clothing and food etc. This diversity of people’s nature leads to discovering a lot of new variants of styles, techniques and methods to achieve the desired amount of satisfaction about their choice and fondness.

In the world of caffeine boost, espresso has a lot of variants with different profiles and textures with a different set of tastes and flavours. There are a number of flavours based on espresso with additional unique ingredients. In this ocean of daily boosters, coffee is considered the smartest and timeless dose of energy in the morning specially. Italy has a long history in making coffee drinks.

In this bunch of coffee types and recipes, we will learn about macchiato coffee or espresso macchiato that is also an espresso based coffee drink. As we mentioned earlier, most coffee recipes originated with Italy. The espresso macchiato or macchiato coffee is also an espresso based coffee drink originated in italy.

Espresso Macchiato

“Macchiato” refers to “stained” or “marked” in Italian language. Macchiato coffee means marked or stained coffee. The baristas used to mark espresso drinks with some milk to differentiate from a regular espresso. That’s why it is called espresso macchiato. Macchiato coffee or espresso macchiato is an espresso drink with a small amount of steamed milk or milky foam on the top.

Homemade Macchiato Coffee

Nothing is impossible or difficult if you tend to believe in yourself and you know something trustworthy about what you are going to do. Same goes with the homemade macchiato coffee recipe. You can have a brilliant homemade macchiato coffee with a few important tips and tricks. By following the instructions carefully you can have the starbucks macchiato at home with less effort and time. That will save the cost you spend on starbucks macchiato. You can also add macchiato cream inside espresso to make it.

Getting started with the ingredients for homemade macchiato coffee. You need the following ready:

Key Ingredients:

  • Espresso
  • Foamed/Steamed Milk

Required Equipment:

  • A coffee machine with steam wand
  • A milk jug
  • Thermometer

Making Process:

Pull an espresso shot or a double espresso in a coffee cup. Make foam milk from a small amount of milk as we need milk foam only. Swirl the cup a bit to remove extra bubbles. Pour a lump of foamed milk in the cup. Your macchiato coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

starbucks caramel macchiato

Iced Macchiato Coffee

To make iced macchiato coffee you need some ice (don’t use cold water it will make the taste fade) and 2 shots of espresso. A right amount of cold milk (steamed or whole fat)
Add ice into the glass and pour milk in it. Pull 2 shots of espresso. Pour the espresso in the glass over milk and ice and your iced macchiato coffee is ready to drink.

Caramel Macchiato

As you have learned earlier, Macchiato coffee is an espresso with added steam milk or foam. Adding steam milk or foam weakens the bitterness of espresso macchiato but it doesn’t overcome the strongness of espresso. That’s the reason some people find caramel macchiato a little bitter. To cater these people’s taste requirements, you can add caramel or vanilla syrup in espresso macchiato. If you pay little attention to the things you can get the exactly same as starbucks caramel macchiato recipe.

Let’s start with the Starbucks caramel macchiato recipe. You need the following ingredients:

  • Espresso: Pull a perfect espresso shot or a double shot using an espresso machine. Make sure to use freshly espresso grounds for making espresso to enhance the quality and richness of taste. If you don’t have an espresso machine you can use a moka pot to get an espresso shot.
  • Caramel sauce: A creamy and fresh caramel sauce will make your caramel macchiato coffee perfect in flavour and taste.
  • Vanilla syrup: You can make vanilla syrup at home as well or use a quality vanilla syrup from a store. It is widely available in stores nearby.

Homemade Starbucks Caramel Macchiato

To make starbucks macchiato at home is not that tough. Just stick to the instructions and precision in ingredients quantity and you will get the perfect homemade starbucks caramel macchiato.

starbucks caramel macchiato

Ingredients required

  • Espresso 2 oz (if you want stronger make it double)
  • Whole or reduced fat milk 14 oz
  • Vanilla syrup 2 oz
  • Caramel syrup


Prepare an espresso shot (or double shot as per your taste) using an espresso machine or moka pot and while making espresso, start frothing milk with a frother (if you don’t have a milk father just whisk the milk to form the foam).

Add espresso in a measuring cup to get the exact amount of coffee.

Add steamed milk and vanilla syrup to the cup and pour espresso over the foamed milk to make mark

Drizzle the caramel on top in the end. You can draw the grate pattern on top as Starbucks caramel macchiato drink.

Caramel Macchiato Coffee Creamer

Usually foamed/steamed milk and a regular caramel is used to make caramel macchiato coffee. You can use any quality caramel macchiato coffee creamer for making a caramel macchiato coffee available in stores nearby. Also you can buy it online.

Iced Caramel Macchiato

The recipe of iced caramel macchiato is not different from a hot caramel macchiato other than you need to use cold espresso and cold frothed milk instead of hot espresso and hot milk foam.

caramel macchiato

Add cold milk in the glass and pour espresso over the milk. Add vanilla syrup and drizzle the caramel on top. Your caramel macchiato iced coffee is ready to taste. You can also increase the ratio of espresso as per taste and flavour requirement in caramel macchiato iced coffee.

Latte Macchiato vs Latte

There is a small difference between Latte Macchiato vs Latte. The process involves following a specific pattern of layers to create the perfect macchiato. This is the main factor to differentiate latte macchiato vs latte. People prefer each type of coffee as per their taste between Latte Macchiato vs Latte.


What is a macchiato?

A macchiato is an espresso with a mark of steamed/foamed milk. That’s why it is called macchiato because macchiato means marked in Italian.

What is the macchiato?

When some foamed/steamed milk is added to mark the espresso it is called macchiato.

What is macchiato?

A macchiato is an espresso with a mark of steamed/foamed milk. That’s why it is called macchiato because macchiato means marked in Italian.

How to make a caramel macchiato?

To make caramel macchiato, add foamed milk in espresso and drizzle the caramel on the top of it. The perfect caramel macchiato is ready.

What is a caramel macchiato?

The caramel macchiato is a regular macchiato with caramel added on the top of it.

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